A Wealth of Choice
Life is a beautiful assortment of opportunity that awaits you. As you gain more momentum building your wealth, you will have more access to life’s material treats in all of its variety. This does not mean that you have to partake of everything offered.
And just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you should purchase it. One of the big setbacks I have seen with people is that when they begin to gain real progress on their wealth building journey, is that they feel the magnetic pull of the ‘should dos’ for their life stage and income bracket based on social norms and values. And the more wealth you acquire, there are more ‘should-dos.’
Imagine if you had a child in a good state school. They are blossoming there, and are building their skills and have good friends. However, due to your child’s merits they got into a fancy private school. If could not access the money to send your child there, this would be no issue as your decision will be made for you.
However, if you do have the resources, you now have a choice to make. You do not know what to do, as they are thriving where they are. Well-meaning people around you that value education could tell you that you ‘should’ put them in the expensive school; that it will open more options for them. So you converse further with your friends and family, and they impress upon you the importance of your child going to the ‘best’ school, and you feel pressure of the social expectations.
In this scenario, this could be a good or bad decision. Time will tell. You will have to use your discernment (and that of your child’s) to make this decision.
More wealth creates more choices. There could be many valid reasons why you would buck the social current and keep your child in the local school – or pull them out of it – that goes beyond the expensive price tag of the fancy school, or the magnetic pull of social prestige. Just because something is seen as ‘the best’ by others, does not necessarily mean it is the best thing for you (or your child).
To build true wealth, your decisions need to come from your inner guidance and wisdom. As you attain wealth, you will have more choices and these decisions can become bigger. They will need your measured discernment. By utilizing your Compass Star, you will be able to navigate them.
What choices have you felt pressured to make as you build wealth?
Disclaimer: This article if for educational purposes only and is not personal financial advice.